SOS Policies

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There is only one world and one people. We are all equal, yet some are poor whilst others are rich, some starve whilst others get fat and waste, and some inherit untold luxury whilst others inherit only disease and early death. This causes distress, mistrust and misery. All sorts of emotions that can boil up into hatred, turning one against another. It seems that all these negative issues derive from one thing: MONEY.

Imagine if the best minds in the world get together to design a new banking system. Could they create something better that what we’ve got today?
Could they create something stable? (The current systems triggers a recession every few years)
Could they create something sustainable? (The current system requires infinite economic growth)
Could they create something productive? (The financial crisis threw millions into unemployment)
Money & banking is at the root of most of our social and economic problems. But it doesn’t have to be. We can fix banking; we can make it stable, sustainable, productive and fair.

Could they create something fair? (The current system throws millions into unnecessary debt)

Check out, join up and demand change.


Riding a bicycle on the roads isn’t the same as driving a motor vehicle on the roads. This obvious fact should be acknowledged in the Highway Code. The SOS Party proposes that bicycle riders shouldn’t be made to stop at zebra crossings if no one is crossing. Of-course at traffic junctions, bicycle riders should adhere to the same rules as vehicle drivers. But on the whole the stringent rules placed upon vehicles shouldn’t be placed upon bicycles. 


To cut the spiralling crime rates in our society the police need to take control of every street corner in the country. The SOS Party proposes a new kind of street gang, made up of police officers. We must be as tough as the criminals. We cannot continue to treat them with kid gloves. We must fight fire with fire and treat the criminals in the manner they treat their victims- without mercy. In essence I’d legalise the Black Market. If there are going to be drugs pushed on the streets, then they will be pushed in a controlled manner under the authority of the police. If someone is to be punished for a misdemeanour, then the punishment will be delivered in a controlled manner under the authority of the police. Everything that happens on the streets of Britain must be done with the OK, of the street gang, more powerful than any street gang that has ever operated before- the police. 


I consider the prohibition of all drugs to be a contributing factor in the decline of society, the root cause of social unrest and crime. I propose the legalisation of all classes of drugs. If hard drugs such as crack cocaine, heroin and other such extreme drugs, were dispensed from controlled and designated outlets, the users will stop committing crime to feed their habits. The reduction in crime would be biggest benefit of legalizing drugs. Drug users will no longer need to resort to crime to feed their habit. Recreational users will no longer be classed as criminals for partaking in an activity that harms no one, but them-selves.
This will allow the police to concentrate their efforts in clearing the streets of drugs users. Future generations will never again worry about drug dealers hanging around the school gates, because drug dealers as we know them, will be a thing of the past. The present day generation of drug addicts will be able to continue feeding their habit, leading a useful and contributing life until they die. And because of these radical and revolutionary proposals being put into place, drug addiction will be a consigned to the pages of history.
It should be a freedom of every responsible adult to decide for them-selves what substances they wish to take, as long as it doesn't affect the well being, health and safety of others.

I was once told a story by a lady who worked with politicians during the Thatcher years. She told me that a trial was conducted in a borough of London, in which all the heroin addicts were supplied heroin free of charge, dispatched from the local health centre. Statistics showed that crime levels in the borough were reduced by a massive 80% and the heroin addicts treated were able to find work and lead productive and stable lives. The heroin supplied was free from contaminates found in heroin sold on the street. The story ends with the minions of Margaret Thatcher, too afraid to tell her of the trial's success. As a result the trial was abandoned. 30% of the heroin addicts involved died with-in a month. The shock to their bodies of receiving dirty heroin compared to the clean heroin supplied was too much of a shock for their bodies to bare. 


I pledge to provide education free-of-charge to the young and old. Education is an essential of life, and must be free and available to anyone and everyone. 


I'm not alone when I say no more nuclear power stations should be built in this country. We must apply the SOS principle of ‘Exemplo Ducemus’ and demonstrate to the world that alternative sources of energy are available and practical for the 21st century. This is a project that the whole country can partake and support. Money must be invested in new technologies and to the pursuit of the holy grail of an everlasting 'clean' power source. It is out there waiting to be invented. Let’s make sure that the scientists of Britain are the first to do so. 


Free health care for all, should be regarded as the ‘Jewel in the British Crown’. A principle of the SOS party is that the essentials of life should be provided free of charge to the people who need it. Essentials such as health care. 

Introduce army style Basic Fitness Tests (BFT’s) in all schools. If pupils fail to pass fitness standards then they must attend remedial classes, to improve their fitness levels, reduce weight and be educated on healthy diets and life styles.

The distribution of cigarettes should be banned from all commercial and public premises. Under SOS proposals the public will have to go to their local health centre, declaring their addiction with their local GP and buy their cigarettes over the pharmacy counter. Least we not forget that nicotine is a toxic substance, which is as addictive as heroin. Smoking causes thousands of deaths per year and this public health hazard should be tackled as our health's top priority. The benefits of this will be that the point of sale will be taken out of the public domain, reducing the likelihood of future generations from taking up the habit. It will mean that more people will visit their health centres than ever before, enabling more people seeing their GP’s who otherwise wouldn’t bother. Though ultimately it'll mean that Britain will be the first non-smoking country in the world.


First & foremost I have no great concern for the dignity of convicted criminals. Crime should not be tolerated as a career option and must be seen not to pay. The human rights of these people should be lost upon conviction. This compliments the SOS principle of ‘Treating people in the manner you want to be treated’. If you disregard the human rights of another, then in doing so you forfeit your own human rights. I’m in favour of the death sentence, for people found guilty of murder against children. Of-course this is dependant on the reform of our judicial system. We don’t want innocent people killed. This can be avoided with the use of DNA finger printing. In the 21st century with the use of DNA technology, no innocents should ever be sent to their deaths. I propose radical measures such as laying out a hangman’s noose on the bed, whenever a convicted child murderer enters their prison cell. I’m open to the prospect of doing away with the jury of 12 men and women, replacing the decision making with a computer. 

“Politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.”
Charles de Gaulle 


I’d ensure the cessation on fines imposed for minor speeding offences and some forms of illegal parking. The vast majority of speeding cameras should be pulled down and replaced with speed indicators. Everyone knows that they are an unjust tool which the government uses to collect yet another indirect tax. Of-course people who drive without care and attention and who recklessly exceed the national speed limits should be brought before the courts, based on speed camera evidence and punished accordingly. There are millions of examples of people exceeding the national speed limit by 5-10 mph, who have been forced to attend court, treated as criminals and forced to pay hefty fines. Speed cameras should be used as an educational tool, to make the driver aware of their speed. Driving 5-10 mph above the 30 mph speed limit, on a deserted road during the early hours of the night, is different from driving 5-10 mph over the 30 mph speed limit, whilst travelling outside a school during the lunch break. Our courts are all too eager to state that travelling above the speed limit is a crime and any excuse for doing so, is inadmissible in a court of law. Wrong, wrong, wrong. There is a grey area in this subject that needs to be addressed and respected.

Under my leadership parking tickets will only be imposed if it proves the vehicle is parked in a position that holds up the flow of traffic and which brings danger to pedestrians and other road users. Never again should motorists be fined for parking their cars in residential areas, where their parked car is having no detrimental effect on the flow of traffic or the safety of pedestrians and other road users. 


I haven’t got a Tax policy yet. Though I see a good argument for getting rid of tax altogether. (Most of our tax is spent on the interest payments of our national debt anyway.)  I need more questions answered before a considered policy can be put forward. I don’t believe the rich should pay more taxes to compensate the poor. But I do think the best way forward will be for the tax system be simplified, easy to understand and easy to use. I see it going one of two ways. We tax the country at the highest level, be it 95%, and in return abolish VAT, Council tax, tax on alcohol, cigarettes, etc, essentially lowering the price of living to its absolute minimum. Or we tax the country at the lowest level, be it 5% and in return make the public pay full price on all the essentials of life, such as health, education etc. I need to hear your ideas on this. How we tax and pay for the running of our country is a major concern for all of us and must be agreed upon by all. 


I want billions of £££’s spent on a 22st century public system that connects every corner of Britain. Our British transport system cannot deal with breakdowns and disturbances on its transport infrastructure. This implies that we need a new transport infrastructure all together.

In the 1940-50’s, Britain invested in the creation of the motorway system, in the 21st Century Britain must invest in a transport system that surpasses all other transport systems in the world. We must strive to build a transport system that is free for all the people, all the time. 


I appreciate that the subject of immigration is a controversial one. Everyone has either met or has had dealings with an immigrant.
For a quick fired response to the problem of immigration, I say- Immigration, what problem?
I don’t believe we have a problem with immigration. There are just as many people leaving our country as there are arriving.
Our politicians are apportioning the blame onto the immigrants flowing into our country. They are brainwashing the British people to blame immigration for our problems, shifting the blame away from them-selves to someone else.
The only reason we have a problem with immigration is because the politicians haven’t invested, as they should have, in the infrastructure off our nation, the health care of our nation and the housing of our nation.
Remember I stand for love, friendship and trust. I won’t begrudge desperate souls coming into our country for a better way of life.
The SOS Party stands for unity, a world without borders, a world and society in which we work together for a common goal regardless of one’s nationality and birthplace.
Of-course there is a problem with foreign peoples coming into our country and receiving preferential treatment over and above British citizens. This is unfair, of-course it is. Why should a family born and breed in Britain, who have been waiting for a council house for many years, be put back down the list in favour of making place for a family fleeing their native country. But we mustn’t blame the immigrant for this; we must blame the politician for creating this situation.
It’s an admission our politicians would never dare admit. But it must be acknowledged.
One thing I don’t like about immigrants is the word ‘immigrants’, the same for ‘asylum seekers’.
Two words used by our politicians and media to de-humanise people. Because that is what they ultimately are, people. People like you and I, who love our family and friends. Who strive for a better and safer life for their children and who work hard for the life they want.
Replacing the word ‘people’ with ‘immigrants’ and ‘asylum seekers’, takes away their humanity. This is something we must acknowledge; immigrants and asylum seekers are the same as you and I, people.

In another world and in another time we have all immigrated, seeking a new land and a new future. Let’s not begrudge the people of the 21st century for doing the same. 

“If we want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.”
Mother Teresa 


The inner workings of the government will be available for everyone to see. Never again will secret conversations take place behind closed doors that affect millions of lives.

• Public glare and scrutiny will cover each inch of Westminster.
• Nothing will be kept secret from the public.
• People will have access to what is said behind closed doors.

All to often the British people scratch their heads and wonder how politicians come to their conclusions. Their secrecy adds to the mystic of an Old Boy's Network, in which all decisions are based on personal gain and not the nation's gain. Transparency will make all the difference and re-install the faith in government that has been lost. 


The essentials of life should be free. I’ll ensure that you never need to pay for gas, electricity, water, council tax, the TV license and other essential costs.

• Free power.
• Free food & drink.
• Free entertainment.

We all need food, water, shelter and warmth to survive. We can't do without them. But being forced to pay for the essentials of life, which are so readily available, is morally wrong. It's wrong that companies are allowed to make obscene amounts of profit from the essentials of life.


After the Second World War, Britain was in a prime position to dominate space, with the capture of the V2 rockets from Germany. Britain was head-to-head with the USA and Russia in the race to space. Regrettably the politicians of the day deemed the exploration of space to be too expensive and as a consequence cancelled all further involvement in space exploration.

• Start a British space program.
• Ensure Britain has a permanent presence in space.
• Ensure British astronauts walk on the Moon, Mars and other planetary bodies in our solar system and beyond.

Forging a presence in space can only benefit our nation, and never hinder it. The Japanese, Indian and Chinese
governments all acknowledge the immense raw materials that are stored with-in the celestial bodies of our Solar System. They are making measures to reach out and take it. If our nation is to preserve our place as a Super Power, we must be amongst the first to reach for the stars. I agree with Sir Richard Branson when he says, “Space is the final frontier that is so essential to the future of civilisation on this planet".

“Space is the final frontier that is so essential to the future of civilisation on this planet.”
Sir Richard Branson 


Our nation’s prostitutes deserve our protection, understanding and respect. They are providing a valuable service that meets the nations demand for sex. (The Royal Economic Society says that £770m is spent on prostitution every year in Great Britain.)
The revenue received from the taxation of the sex industry will be a welcomed addition to the government cash register. It’s acknowledged as the second oldest industry in the world and should be treated as such.

• Prostitution will be renamed as the Sex Industry.
• Protect sex workers from the deregulated practices and abuse of ‘pimps’.
• Prostitution will be an economic benefit to the nation.

As it stands prostitution is illegal and unregulated in this country. As a consequence under-aged girls are forced into prostitution, prostitutes are killed by serial killers and girls from abroad are forced into a life of sexual slavery. Surely this is unacceptable. By adopting my proposals, prostitutes will be able to work without fear, safe in the knowledge that they are protected by the society they serve. 


Our Judicial System needs reforming because it’s expensive, slow and open to abuse. Our judicial system screams for reform because history has shown innocent men and women have been found guilty and guilty men and women have been found innocent. That’s unacceptable.

• Technology will determine innocence and guilt.
• Ensure the costs of the judicial system are slashed to the core.
• Ensure every citizen of the country has access to free justice.

The innocent are found guilty and the guilty bend the law to buy their innocence. Justice must be the shining light of our society and that Justice must be pure and strong for all to see. 

“A leader is a dealer in hope.” 
Napoleon Bonaparte 


The BBC TV License is an unfair tax that brings misery to millions of people. The license fee has been rammed down our throats whether we want the service or not. We are even thrown in jail for not paying it.

• Strap the BBC TV license.
• Ensure the BBC goes commercial and made to stand on its own two feet and not on the shoulders of the taxpayer.
• Ensure the BBC Detector vans are consigned to the pages of history.

The TV License takes no account of your ability to pay, nor how much (if any) of the service you use. It hits the lowest incomes hardest by percentage of income. It's nothing short of a legally enforced extortion racket. The BBC forces itself onto the airways and we are required to pay for its up-keep regardless of whether we watch it. It’s scandalous that the licence fee payers pay for the massive wages given to the likes of Chris Moyles, Terry Wogan and Jonathan Ross.

Its disgraceful that people living on the poverty line must go to jail for not paying for a TV licence (that has recently been classed as a tax), while the BBC recklessly wastes the public's money on such extravagant expenditures. 

“Democracy is the bullshit politicians thought-up to keep themselves in power."
Matthew Taylor

Businessman John Hack started the Luncheon Vouchers Company in 1955 and it’s been successful ever since. A single standardized voucher accepted throughout the UK as a cost effective way to reward and say thanks to the nation’s workers.

• I'd ensure Luncheon vouchers feed the nation.
• I’d ensure every family in the nation receives a healthy meal 3 times a day.
• I’d ensure the Luncheon vouchers become an integral part of British life.

The British public have enough on their plates and deserve a gesture of good will from their government. Picking up the tab for their family meals is the least the government can do. Remember, perks are nothing new to politicians. We pick up the bill for their televisions, kitchens, patio sets, bath-plugs and pornographic movies. It's only fair and proper that the Government should pick up the bill for a family's meal.

If voting could change the system, it would be illegal. If not voting could change the system, it would be illegal.

The crime rate amongst our nation’s youth is at an all-time high. Not a day goes by without a fatal stabbing or gang related crime being committed. The nation’s youth are crying out for direction, discipline and purpose.
• All young criminals should be enlisted into the British Army.
• I’d ensure the nation’s youth find the direction, discipline and purpose missing in their lives.
• I’d ensure our nation’s youth grow up to become out-standing members of the community.

Our youth need structure and purpose in their lives. The armed forces provide structure and purpose in abundance. I've had personal experience of serving in the armed forces. I went in with rough edges and came out pinpoint and shining. The army will teach way-ward teenagers values they wouldn't get anywhere else. The army has centuries of experience dealing with young men and should be called upon now for their unique experience and knowledge.

“In politics, absurdity is not a handicap.”
Napoleon Bonaparte.

Fitness and obesity is a time bomb waiting to explode. The only way to defuse the bomb is to bring all our children up to a healthy standard of fitness.

• Every child should meet a standard level of fitness.
• I’d ensure everyone is educated about healthy diets and life-styles.
• I’d ensure Great Britain is the fittest nation in the world.

A healthy nation creates a healthy and happy society. The burden on the NHS will be reduced and our country will be more productive. We are often reminded that an obesity time bomb is waiting to explode. This is the only way to defuse the bomb.

“Do something worth remembering.”
Elvis Presley

Drug addicts and job dodgers make a mockery of our social benefit system. I’ve had personal experience of queuing at the job centre with drug addicts and job dodgers who have no intention of looking for work and who use benefits to continue their lives of leisure and debauchery.

• Every able man and woman should be made to contribute to the up-keep of Great Britain, in return for state benefits.
• I’d ensure state benefits are only spent on the disabled and most in need.
• I’d ensure drug addicts and job dodgers are exposed for what they really are- ‘lazy free-loaders’.

The benefit system has created a sub-culture in which people of a certain persuasion (namely drug addicts and job-dodgers) can continue doing what they please to do, certain in the knowledge that the state will continue to support them in doing so. By taking away their funds, they
will be left with no alternative but to re-join society and contribute in the same manner that the rest of us have to.

“The future depends on what we do in the present.”
Mahatma Gandhi

British workers deserve more time off to enjoy the fruits of their Labour.

• Britain will get more bank holidays than ever before.
• I’d ensure the well being of the nation is of higher importance than the nation’s productivity.
• I’d ensure hard work is rewarded with more play.

Our nation needs more time off. We work hard and deserve to play hard too. More bank holidays will introduce a balanced life of work and play. This will inevitably benefit the nation by lowering our stress levels, re-affirming family bonds and re-charging the batteries, enabling the nation's work force to achieve more than ever before.

Nobody can fix the economy. Nobody can be trusted with their finger on the button. Nobody's perfect. VOTE FOR NOBODY

Our nation’s infrastructure can no longer cope with the mass of vehicles in use. Gridlock is a daily occurrence and thousands of people are killed due to road traffic accidents.

• I’d invest billions in a new 22st century transport system linking every corner of Britain, which is safe, quick and reliable to use.
• I’d ensure Britain’s canal system is used to transport all non-perishable goods.
• I'd invest in the best transport system in the world.

With more and more vehicles on the roads and with less and less roads to accommodate them, our transport system is destined to fail. A new transport system of 22nd century design is vitally important to maintain growth and prosperity in our country.

Crime can be wiped out in a flash if the police had the resources to do what is necessary to wipe out crime. The level of crime in our country reflects the money spent combating it.

• I'd ensure Police chiefs get what they want.
• I’d ensure the police force is equipped with the latest in crime busting technology.
• I’d ensure police officers stay on the streets.

A better-equipped police force equals a happier and safer society.

A life long supporter of the labour party was lying on his death bed when he suddenly decided to join the Tory party. " But why?" asked his puzzled friend, "You're labour through and through… Why change now?" The man learned forward and explained, "Well, I'd rather it was one of them that died and not one of us."  

It’s common knowledge that our brave soldiers die because of sub-standard equipment in war.

• Every soldier should be equipped with the latest in military hardware.
• I’d ensure the army receives the best from the people and the people receive the best from their army.
• I’d ensure the Armed Forces are incorporated into the British way of life, on stand-by to come to our rescue in times of need.

Being a soldier is a job like any other. But a job that asks the ultimate price, your life. Our soldiers deserve to be protected by all and any means necessary.

To invest billions on humanity’s greatest weapon is INSANE. A weapon so powerful that it could end life, as we know it, is madness at the most extreme.

• I’ll make Great Britain a Nuclear Free Nation.
• I’d stop investing in death and destruction and invest in life and reconstruction.
• I’d ensure that future generations never fear a nuclear holocaust.

Great Britain must lead from the front with courage and vision. It’s beside the point whether two opposing countries have one or a hundred or a thousand nuclear weapons pointing at each other. We need to reach the stage where we have none. By relinquishing our nuclear capacity we would be showing the world that even one nuclear weapon is one too many.

“The survivors would envy the dead.”
Nikita Khrushchev

The four elements are earth, fire, water and air. These are the renewable energies that we must harness and use to our advantage. The Holy Grail of science is to invent an emission-free energy source.

• Scientists will have all the resources they need, to invent an emission-free energy source.
• I’d ensure the energy to the national grid is drawn from the four elements.
• I’d ensure that Great Britain is the leading nation in the development of renewable energies.

Global Warming is a real and present danger. Much like a frog that doesn't jump out of the pot as the water slowly boils, so too will humanity suffer the same fate, as Green House gases strangle our atmosphere. Carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere are steadily rising and the effects of which are being seen year on year, with record droughts, floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. Once our polar caps are melted away, then all hope is lost. A clean renewable energy is the only answer to Global Warming.

The trouble with political jokes is they get elected.

Great Britain must be at the forefront of science and innovation, both in academia and business. We are living in the 21st Century and expectation is high. We must be the first to make the technological break-through that frees us from the restraints of the 20th century.

• I'd ensure Great Britain leads the world in science and innovation.
• I’d ensure that every man woman and child has access to science and innovation.
• I’d ensure that no one is left behind when we take the technological step forward.

Science has brought us many wonderful and life enhancing products. This trend has to continue and Britain must be at the forefront of scientific innovation.

Don't vote - it only encourages them.

The welfare of children is the highest priority of the SOS Party and pre-born babies aren’t excluded.

• I will discourage abortion in favor of adoption.
• I’d ensure every girl and woman in the nation are educated in birth control and the consequences of unwanted children.
• I’d ensure Britain’s teenage pregnancy and abortion levels are the lowest in the world.

All too often the option of abortion is made readily available to girls who find them-selves with an unwanted pregnancy. Life is deemed expendable at the expense of ill preparation and ignorance of the facts of life. Every single life must be seen as scared and precious. By encouraging abortion you devalue the price of life. We must do everything in our power to stop this and herald in a new way of preserving life at every stage of its development.

Britain has traditionally been a Christian nation and must continue to be so. A good Christian is a good citizen and everyone will benefit from the values that Christians live by.

• People will be rewarded for going to church with a Sunday roast.
• I’d ensure ‘places of worship’ of all religions, become the centre point of all communities.
• Its good that the nation is aware of their spirituality.

Since ancient Egyptian times man has been worshipping a higher authority than our-selves. There is even evidence that suggests, the religions of today are simply rehashed versions of religions preached during the times of the ancient Pharaohs. Churches across the nation bring together like-minded people who give thanks to their God for the world around them. Humility should be looked upon as a good trait and be encouraged.

The government is sneaky. They raise the tax on alcohol, then make sure that the country is in such a mess that you drink more.

Children and adults alike have no idea what or where vegetables come from. More and more children are being feed additives rather than natural nutrients. This must change for the sake of our nation’s health and well being.

• Every suitable piece of public land should be turned into a vegetable patch.
• I’d ensure every community eats local home grown produce.
• I’d ensure growing vegetables and rearing livestock becomes a British way of life and accessible to all.

Consumers shouldn't be slaves to the hypermarkets. By growing our own produce, society will develop a self-sustained character and with it a new and deeper understanding of the cycle of nature, by which we all live.

A little girl asked her father, 'do all fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time"? The father replied, 'No, some begin with - If I am elected.'

The utility companies are my number one target.
Exactly as our politician’s have done, by nationalizing the banking industry during the Global Financial Crisis of 2008.

• I’d nationalize the industries that most benefit the nation’s health, security and wealth.
• I’d ensure the essentials of life, like food, water, heat, light, power and transport, belong to the people.
• I’d ensure the nation’s resources; expertise and technology are shared by all the people, and not the few.

Privatization is daylight robbery of our nation's assets. Why should shareholders benefit from the supply of essential services to the public? Providing water, gas and electricity to people in order for them to survive shouldn't be a profitable endeavour. The pursuit of profit above all else must end and a more moral approach adopted.

“He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander.”

Teenagers have no fear of their actions. It’s commonly acknowledged within the education system and with parents that discipline went out of the window when the cane was axed in 1986.

• I’d bring back the cane to be used in schools to install discipline.
• I’d ensure our young people respect their elders.
• I’d ensure society no longer fears our teenagers.

Wayward teenagers must realise there are consequences to their actions. The threat and use of such a draconian measure as canning, is the wake up call our teenagers need to become good people who respect the community they live in.

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."
Anatole France


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