Britain's Most Controversial Columnist

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Please find below our suggestion for fixing the UK's economy. Instead of giving billions of pounds to banks that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan: There are about 10 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them £1 million each severance for early retirement with the following stipulations: 1) They MUST retire. Ten million job openings - unemployment fixed. 2) They MUST buy a new British car. Ten million cars ordered - Car Industry fixed. 3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing Crisis fixed. 4) They MUST send their kids to school/college/university - Crime rate fixed. 5) They MUST buy £100 WORTH of alcohol/tobacco a week ..... And there's your money back in duty/tax etc It can't get any easier than that! P.S. If more money is needed, have all members of parliament pay back their falsely claimed expenses and second home allowances If you think this would work, please forward to everyone you know. Also……….. Let's put the pensioners in jail and the criminals in a nursing home. This way the pensioners would have access to showers, hobbies and walks. They'd receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs etc and they'd receive money instead of paying it out. They would have constant video monitoring, so they could be helped instantly, if they fell, or needed assistance. Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them. A guard would check on them every 20 minutes and bring their meals and snacks to their cell. They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose. They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counselling, pool and education. Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, PJ's and legal aid would be free, on request. Private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard, with gardens. Each senior could have a PC a TV radio and daily phone calls. There would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and the guards would have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to. The criminals would get cold food, be left all alone and unsupervised. Lights off at 8pm, and showers once a week. Live in a tiny room and pay £600.00 per week and have no hope of ever getting out. Think about this (more points of contention): COWS Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Appleby almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the county of Cumbria? And, they even tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 125,000 illegal immigrants wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow. 

Yours sincerely, A Citizen

I have evidence to suggest David Cameron’s Premiership is based on a lie. The Queen’s statement read: ‘David Cameron accepted Her Majesty’s offer and Kissed Hands upon his appointment as Prime Minister’, but according to the BBC Royal Correspondent Nicholas Witchell, no kissing of hands took place. Hence the first lie has been told. How many more lies will be told before the year is out?

The BBC Panorama program this week titled 'Sex Crimes & the Vatican', reported that Pope Benedict XVI covered up paedophile abuse scandals within the Roman Catholic Church when he was a Vatican official. This can only leave the public to infer a terrible and earth shattering conclusion- THE POPE IS A PAEDOPHILE. Why else would he order members of the clergy NOT to report sex offences by priests to the police authorities? It can only be one of two reasons, first being that he wanted to cover up the incidents to save the stain of abuse soaking the Church or he himself is a perpetrator of paedophile abuse and wanted to cover it up to continue his perversion. But whatever the reason, the mud has been flung and mud always sticks. I for one won't be leaving my child alone with a Roman Catholic priest...

It’s time for a ceasefire. 600,000+ people have died since the start of the latest Iraqi war, and if we don’t do something now, another 600,000 will die before it ends- if it ever ends. We (The West) must acknowledge that the fanatical Islamists are here to stay and will not be swayed in their beliefs or way of life. Just as the far right radical Christians are allowed a voice, so should they. We inhabit a huge and expansive world, yes, the technological age has made our world a smaller place but still, a mile is a mile and each region has its own unique way of life. This should be respected and valued.

Now is the time to STOP THE KILLING and talk to our enemies, be those Insurgents, Taliban, North Koreans or Terrorists. Too many innocent people have died. Let’s call a truce now and discuss a way forward. We are all intelligent people; we’ve put men on the moon for God’s sake, surely we can think of a way to resolve our differences. Hey, why not adopt the SOS WAR PLAN and see where that gets us? Either way, it’s time for a ‘Ceasefire’. Too many people have died; let’s call on our political leaders to stop the killing now.

”When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion.”
Abraham Lincoln

The Daily Mail on Sunday reported that the Royal family want to eradicate the memory of Princes Diana from the history books. This is yet another indication that they were involved in her death. And I have this to say on the subject: If it is proven that the Queen is guilty of having an involvement in the assassination of Princess Diana, then criminal proceedings should be initiated and at the very least the Royal family be exiled to the cold wastes of Canada.
In light of which I’d like to make this announcement to the Nation: That I, ‘Taylor’, head of the Taylor Dynasty, hereby claim the British Royal Throne. For my mother the ‘Royal Truth’ to be posthumously crowned the Queen, declared to rule for a hundred years and for me to be Prince, heir in waiting.
Long live the Queen; long live the King…May the rein of the Taylor Royal Family last for a thousand years…

Not only was President Bush hell-bent on implementing his ‘American-way-of-life’ across the globe, he was doing the same to space. With the publication of the first revised US Space Policy in 10 years, we now know that he claimed outer space as the 51st State of the United States of American. Making it crystal clear to any and all ‘adversaries’ that there will be trouble if anyone dares trespass. My only concern is that not only did Bush wage war across all nations of planet Earth with his war on terror, but with the further declaration of “Implementing and sustaining an innovative human and robotic exploration program, with the objective of extending human presence across the solar system”, he's angered the extraterrestrials out there and may consequently lead to the ultimate ‘War of the Worlds’. Didn’t he make enough enemies, other than adding Aliens to the list?

The United Nations has a new Secretary General, Asian born Mr Ban Ki-Moon. The United Nations was born in 1945 to ensure the horrors of the First and Second World Wars never happened again. Regrettably they failed to accomplish their founding mission. Mr Ban Ki Moon in his first press conference touched on the reasons why- ‘Mistrust between all the member states’. As he said “The first challenge is to rebuild trust among all stakeholders”.
So I’m sure you’ll join with me in wishing Mr Ban Ki-Moon all the best in his new job and wish him luck to do better than his eight predecessors at promoting international cooperation, achieving peace and security across the globe and solving the problems that challenge humanity. His most pressing concern will be to bring forth an atmosphere of TRUST, so needed between all member states to finally achieve the one mission they have all failed to achieve; making peace in our world. I’m sure that if he gets to achieve his objectives, we’ll all be over the ‘moon’…

Make your M.P. work - don't re-elect him.

2006 saw the publication of the Stern Review about Global Change and the economic cost of combating it. Gordon Brown seized upon this by labelling the British people as ‘polluters’, putting forward plans to impose ‘Green Taxes’ to pay for the long term costs of reducing gas emissions and their effects on the environment. I see this as another excuse for politicians to introduce more ‘Stealth Taxes’ to pay for the billions wasted on war, consultancy fees and MP expenses. Its yet another example of political hypocrisy. I hope you would agree (even you- James Hewland) that the ultimate climate change in the world today is the explosive fallout of nuclear weaponry. Mr Brown has made public his intention to spend in the excess of £25 Billion on the refurbishment of the Trident Nuclear capability but yet in the same stroke tax us for billions of £££’s under the pretext of reducing the effects of climate change. If our politicians are so devoted to reducing global change, shouldn’t they dump the ultimate climate Changer (Nuclear Weapons) and spend the money saved on the alternative energy resources that don’t contribute to climate change?

Now is the time to bring back National Service for all our wayward teenagers. It’s the only option that really confronts the problem of our teenage yob culture and the only option that can bring a satisfactory answer for our teenage hooligan problem. It’s been shown that the Labour Government’s solutions of ASBO’s don’t work. Our teenage youth are crying out for direction and discipline. They are products of their parent's up bringing and the liberal 1980/90's mentality of explaining the errors of their way rather than punishing them for the errors. (The beginning of the end started when caning was banned). The British Army is the only organization ready and waiting that can give our teenage youth what they need. And in light of recent news reports that the British Army is under strength and that our youth are too fat to enlist, National Service is the only viable and practical answer to boost army numbers and create a healthy generation for the future. Speaking from personal experience of having served 5 years in the British Army, I can confidentially state that National Service is the best thing that could ever happen to our wayward teenagers. They will thank us for it in years to come.

On the 30th December 2006, Saddam Hussain was sentenced to death by hanging. Found guilty of ‘Crimes against Humanity’ after ordering the revenge killing off 148 civilians in the town of Dujail in 1982, following a failed assassination attempt. Saddam Hussein reined supreme over Iraqi for 24 years, before being captured without dignity, found hiding in a hole, after the US lead invasion. US soldiers are still encountering strong resistance by Saddam loyalists, which begs us to believe that those elections screened across Iraq, with Saddam winning 99.9% of the vote, may just have been a true and accurate indication of the people’s wish. But now that Saddam Hussein has been hung, how long will it be until we see Bush, Blair, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Campbell in the dock for ‘Crimes against Humanity’? The US-led invasion was widely regarded throughout the world as a crime of aggressive. Later turning out to be based on misleading intelligence. The Nazi leaders of the World War II were charged and punished for the exactly same reason. It’s been recently reported by Iraq’s Health Minister that 150,000 civilians have been killed during the 44-month-old conflict. Shouldn’t someone be held responsible for that? And what of the actual trial? Three of Saddam’s defence lawyers were killed, evidence presented to the tribunal was not made available to the defence in advance, the ruling judge was switched midway through the trial, there were no international judges on the tribunal; and some of the evidence appeared to be fabricated. Surely in any other court in the world, Saddam Hussein would have walked free.

I’m glad that the Leader of the British National Party, Nick Griffin walked free from court, having been acquitted of ‘Inciting Racial Hatred’. This is the price of our nation’s ‘Freedom of Speech’. Everything in life has a good side and a bad side and the bad side of our ‘Freedom of Speech’ is the right of a person to speak his/her mind. If a racially minded person wants to discuss their racist views in a room full of racist people, then so be it. No matter how abhorrent liberal minded people may consider it, this is what ‘Freedom of Speech and Expression’ is all about. No laws should be changed, as Gordon Brown suggests. We should be proud of our culture and our tolerance of different points of view.

I am not a terrorist nor do I advocate ‘hugging/loving’ terrorists as a way to solve and bridge the divide between wholesome western philosophy and fanatical Islamic doctrine. But I do fell sorry for poor ‘Dhiren Barot’ for getting life (40 years minimum) imprisonment for plotting terrorist atrocities in Britain and America. I mean, it’s not as if he actually killed anyone… The closest he got was to prepare a ‘business plan’ for his superiors. But yet in the same news program we hear of a child-killer being released from prison having served only half his sentence. In my imagination I can hear the judge now- “Bad man, you’ve viciously killed a young child in the most evil of circumstances. I’m sentencing you to 12 years. Be a good boy and we’ll let you out in 6 years. Then you can go and do it to again. Hell, you can even do it while out on probation”. Then the Judge turns to the Terrorist- “You planned to bring indiscriminate carnage, bloodshed and butchery first in Washington, New York and Newark, and thereafter the UK on a colossal and unprecedented scale. Even though you never actually managed to do anything, I’m sentencing you to 40 years minimum, so that you’ll never see the light of day again”. Let’s have some bloody consistency in our sentencing procedures please. We should be giving the evil monster’s that kill our young and innocent, 40 years (life-meaning-life) sentences, and the wannabe terrorists 12 years out in 6. And anyway, isn’t the Borat sentence, the nation’s first sentencing of a ‘Thought Crime’? If you think about doing it, we will treat you as if you did it. Is this really the Judicial System we want in our country?

Its hypocrisy at its most audacious that our politicians impose so called ‘Green Taxes’ on the working masses, but at the same time commit billions of our £££’s on the ultimate climate changer of them all- Trident Nuclear Missiles. This has been missed by the media altogether. The explosive release of nuclear material into our atmosphere has done more harm than all the carbon omissions released into our atmosphere since the invention of the motor engine. As a common man, living a common life, I am raging with anger that our politicians are signing up to a deal that the majority of the British people find abhorrent. Its stuff like this that has driven me to the edge of despair and forced me to start the SOS Party, so I can at least pretend to have a certain amount of power over my own destiny. Now is the time for Direct Action to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons in our country. We can no longer depend on our politicians to represent our views in Parliament. The spirit of democracy is dead. I implore all readers to vote for the SOS Party and do away with politicians forever.

I have just been charged £45 to get my 14-month-old daughter her first British passport. I always thought being British was a "right of birth" but clearly it isn't. To be British in this day and age you must pay through the nose for the privilege. £45 for a passport? Is that really how much it costs?
We have recently seen the high street banks having to reimburse their clients millions of pounds because of their unjustifiable bank charges. Shouldn't this be applied to the Identity and Passport Service? How can it claim a ten-page booklet costs £45 to produce? We really do live in "rip-off Britain". It's so bad we are even ripped off when we claim our "birthright" - to be British.

It’s about times our local politicians finally acknowledge that letting the heroin addicts have their heroin, will reduce crime in our society.
I’ve been banging on about this since 1997. I remember people used to look at me as if I’ve lost my marbles, whenever I spoke about my SOS Drug Policy.
I just hope that all those people who did scoff at my policy of distributing heroin to heroin addicts via the NHS, sees sense and acknowledge that it’s a sensible and practical solution to reducing crime in our nation.

Am I the only one to notice the ‘666’ (The Sign of the Devil) number draped either side of the stage at the recent Nelson Mandela 90th birthday concert in Hyde Park? ‘46664’; if it was a clue in the paper under the ‘Cryptic Clues’ section, the answer would be – ‘For the Devil’.
Just the Devil’s style to broadcast the truth right under our noses and in full view. Portraying himself as Mankind’s greatest symbol of hope and forgiveness. The Anti-Christ must be holding a laugh when he watches the adoring crowds sing songs in homage of the Great Nelson Mandela.
A ‘46664’ sign draped either side of the stage at the Mandela 90th Birthday concert, you’ll have to admit, is more than just a coincidence?

Politics is the art of making it sound as if Father Christmas comes earlier in the year.


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